HARK!! Just in case you haven't heard the news Lady Basco, jAsian and Nish are back at it again. Bringing in the holidays with some artistic joy and good will towards men, women and children of all ages.
It's been long overdue and we're proud to say that we've set up our garage, dusted off the old screen printing gear, put our sweatpants on and have new gear for you to rock all year round. Nish and I have been working hard on coming up with new designs, getting back into the flow of things and just being inspired all over again.
Lady Basco has also been working her little tush keeping Tard and Feathered snowballing and it's thanks to her that we've pushed ourselves to get more shirts and art out there.
Ready? Set? Here goes.
December 13th at 2pm kicks off the first ever Winter Camp put on by Tard and Feathered. It's an all ages gig and there will be activities for everyone to enjoy from music, art, spoken word poetry, face painting, brand new e•phem•er•al gear and more. In fact our gear is so new, that we haven't even printed them yet (today is 12.4.08) so Winter Camp is the first place you'll be able to purchase some. ::cough:: Christmas Presents ::cough::
Don't worry if you can't make the festivities on the 13th. Winter Camp dates are:
dec. 13th saturday
jan. 11, 25 sundays
feb. 8, 22 sundays
at the French Garden in downtown LA:
1936 E 7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 623-4028
For more info check out www.myspace.com/tardandfeathered and to check out our clothes check out www.ephemeralapparel.com.
I hope to see your beautiful faces there!