

Finals...crappier than this trash can. I'll post more when i have more time. palabra para tu madre.



so what's happening my audience of one? it's been a pretty fulfilling weekend. friday night I worked for about 9 hours straight with no break then went back to long beach and had some stuff to get ready for the tard and feathered and ephemeral party on saturday.

the party was a definite huge success in my book. we had some awesome music and some amazing art. great food and even better company. it was pretty mellow compared to the first one. i've got pix on the ephemeral blog on myspace. www.myspace.com/ephemeralapparel

hmmm...I'm sick. people say it's all mental. fuck that. I can't stop coughing, sneezine, my nose is runny 24/7, it's super shitty!!

i don't feel like writing much right now. drew and awesome picture tonight tho at a coffee shop. I'll post it later. yay! piece.




wow so i'm actually impressed with myself. day 2 on this thing. not bad eh? so i took 3 shots of nyquil last night because the one shot the night before just didn't knock me out quick enough. after my 3 shots of liquified shit i popped in a movie i knew would probably put me to sleep. I popped in The Fog. about 30 minutes into it I passed the fuck out! i got about 11 hours of sleep last night. woke up, went to class, went to OCMA and checked out some cool art, went back to class then fell back asleep in the back of the room.

hmmm...did i learn anything new today? I learned that at Mitsuwa, no matter what you go in there for, you always walk out with 100% more things than you planned on buying. We went for lunch. I ended up buying, sushi, macaroni salad, 2 yaki-soba (thanks nish, how do i cook it?!) 2 ramune, 1 mango milk drink, 2 hi-chews, gyoza and dim-sum. wtf?! i'm already broke as it is.

just an fyi for my int'l audience, it's freezing out here. it's so cold that my balls hurt. ya. it's cold. on that note, I bid thee farewell. until then...nanoo nanoo. oh, i like my new typewriter font.



So i guess this is my first official blog on my Bitch page. I don't what to write about other than what i did today. So check this out. I woke up at 10:00 went to class at 10:30. Left class because I was feeling sick. I went to CompUSA because i needed to buy some ink for my sexy printer (google Epson R1800 nude and you'll see what i mean) and ended up getting side tracked at Tower Records and walked around for about an hour trying to find some new music since it was 50% off and figured my ears needed a new investment. I ended up buying cd's from the bands The Lonely H, Blackpool Lights, Fort Minor, Soulive and Mojave 3. 4 out of the 5 bands i've heard before. i was feeling brave today. I also bought some movies, the fog, war of the worlds, i love your work (very trippy movie, you should watch it) and land of the living dead. it was a good day. then i went home, took some nyquil at 4 p.m. popped in WOTW and crept in and out of sleep. it was probably one of the most unproductive days i've ever had.

So prior to reading Nish's blog, i've been doing a lot of thinking. Do you ever just get bored with your current state? There's nothing really new going on here. There's no one/nothing here that's striking curiosity in my mind or making me excited. The most excited thing I've experieced lately was the release of Borat. It's pretty sad come to think of it. I don't know. I'm lonely, bored, broke, want someone to pay attention to me, want someone to hold, i kind of want someone to punch me in the face just to give me something to look forward to. I can't wait till schools out and I can go to Japan and be one of the hip foreigners. You watch, come tomorrow I'll be a totally different person. As for now, i'm not even tired but i don't feel like i'm awake. walking the thin line of the waking world and just sitting on my couch looking at my monitor as a window to another world i'd rather be a part of. ok. that's all for now i guess.