good morning people. (it's 12:07 am) today was a pretty productive day. we got a new movie in and i was able to take a couple hours and gather elements and research some art. one of the era what i've really been a fan of is vaudeville. there's something haunting about it. for some reason to me, i feel like i'm stepping into a whole different world with every picture. times were so different back then. people enjoyed going to theaters and watching plays and musicals. men would wear their sunday's best and the women would look so glamorous for a night on the town. the sets are 3 dimensionally flat and the faces aare so expressive. the music recordings are so airy and scratchy. I don't know. well anyways, i like vaudeville.
my recent obsession is paranormal state. if you haven't seen this show on A&E yet, you're missing out. If you're like me and love ghost stories and paranormal investigating, this show is for you. a group of college folk from penn state formed a club called PRS (paranormal research society) and they go around to places that report hauntings of spirits that may or may not be harmful. i won't go into it, but here's the link if you want to take my word for it.
I got my scott campbell poster today and i can't wait till i can afford to frame it. it's just a print and i wish it was numbered, but it's still an awesome and clever piece of work. that's pretty much all i can think of right now. plus i'm listening to the ricky gervais podcast so i can't focus. so untill next time.
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