
Well what do ya know??

it's been a day since i posted last, and not a year!!

Right now i'm waiting anxiously for the demo for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to finish downloading. it has been for about an hour and it's 50% complete. I guess it's because it just got released tonight and people are hogging the network. It also may be that I'm downloading season 1 of Paranormal State as well. has anyone seen this fucking show?! i like it a lot. to sum it up, it's a group of college kids that met at Penn State and started a paranormal club. they go around the country and go to people's houses and help them with their paranormal inconveniences. it's put together pretty well and I have a lot more respect for these people than I do for the people on Ghost Hunters. if you are into ghosts and hauntings, i recommend this show. It's on A&E but i don't know what time it's on...well, i shouldn't cause I don't have tv anyways.

Today at work, i just found out that cragslist has a "BEST OF's" section. Lemme tell you, there's an endless supply of knee slapping, desk slamming, face punching, underwear shitting, laugh out loud fun on it. a few of my favorites are the one with Super Mario Bros. , Autographed Bible, and the Ferocious Attack Kitten. this shit is PURE comedy!!

What else happened today? well, i bought tickets to see Ratatat on the 9th at the Music Box. I'm really excited to see them. I saw them with the Faint and Ladytron a while back and they're really talented.

Anyone on LinkedIn? find me on there if you are. i've gotten back in touch with some people I haven't talked to in a long time.

74% done. ( -_-)*

Tim just got home, so i'll see what he's up to. until next time blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good......